Confessions of a Pro Fitness Competitor
I do fitness competitions because I have a hard time staying accountable to myself.
Now that I’m FORTY 😱, I can compete with 40+ year olds, instead of the young gals who don’t have kids 😂.
This process involves overhauling my lazy lifestyle. This sport certainly is not for those who are just “interested.”
I increase my cardio from zero x/week to 6x/week.
I increase my weight training from 2x/ week to 5x/week.
I carb cycle. 🚲
I meal prep. 👩🏻🍳
I eat at least 5 meals a day. 😲
I check in with my coach regularly.
I drink a gallon of water 💧 a day.
I fit in 3 hrs of posing 👠 a week.
I have weekly therapeutic massages 💆 and chiropractic adjustments when the schedule allows.
- Complete Essentials with IsaG
- Eshot 💫
- Ionix 🚀
- Shakes: All of them at various times.
- Greens
- Immune booster 💊
- Isamune spray 🚿
- AMPED Nitro and NOx preworkout ⛽️
My 5 week RESULTS:
⬇️ body fat by 5+% 💃
⬇️ 4lbs on the scale
⬇️ 10 lbs body fat 🔥
⬇️ 38 millimeters total from 9 body points
⬆️ 5lbs+ lean muscle 💪
I’ve also found I ACTUALLY enjoy RUNNING OUTSIDE 😱😱😱😱
Yes, some may say this sport is crazy. But so is being disgusted with myself and driving myself insane doing the same thing and getting the same old result.
I may have been further along if I didn’t cheat so much🍕 or go on vacations, but hey, progress is progress ☺️ and each time I compete, I get a little closer to my overall goal: to make healthy living a habit naturally.